
Experts Share Their Top Tips and Hacks for Enhancing Your Garden

If you love gardening, you should know that gardening tasks are endless. There are always areas that need improvements. We at Svoy Home have collected 20 expert tips. They may help you enhance your garden. They cover tips from soil enrichment to pest control. So, let’s get started.

Tip #1: Master the Art of Composting

An essential first step for any dedicated gardener is to make their own compost. High-nutrient compost gives your plants the vital nourishment they need. It helps them grow and bloom well. Remember to keep the wet and dry components balanced.

Additional tip: To improve your compost, add shredded paper. Also, add yard trash and leftover cooking scraps. This will boost its nutrients and speed up its decomposition.

Tip #2: Utilise Eggshells for Soil Enrichment

Don’t throw away the leftover eggshells. Instead, crush them up and sprinkle them all over your soil. Eggshells improve soil quality and prevent pests like slugs, which makes plants stronger.

Extra Advice: Before planting seeds, consider putting them in eggshells. This will give them a head start in your garden.

Tip #3: Strategic Weed Control

Take early and effective measures to combat weeds so they don’t take over your garden. Weeding keeps the soil rich for the plants you want. This is especially true when they are just starting to grow.

Additional Tip: Mulching your garden beds reduces the need for weeding. It also keeps soil moist.

Tip #4: Protect Delicate Fruits with Straw

Spread straw under delicate fruits, like berries and strawberries. It protects them from dirt, rain, and wind. This method is easy to use and powerful. It guarantees a big output while keeping your harvest’s quality.

Additional Tip: To protect fruit best, cover crops with netting. It gives an extra barrier against birds and pests.

Tip #5: Deter Earwigs from Dahlias

Use this DIY method to protect your Dahlia blossoms. It will keep earwigs away. Cover your Dahlias with little pots of straw. This will give earwigs dark hiding places and stop them from eating your flowers.

Another tip: Check and empty the pots often. This stops infestations and removes trapped earwigs.

Tip #6: Attract Bees with Purple Flowers

Create a purple blossom garden. It will attract and support endangered bee populations. Bees like the colour purple. It makes them more likely to visit and pollinate purple flowers. They will ensure the growth and reproduction of your plants.

Additional tip: Plant many purple-flowering plants, like phlox, lavender, and crocus. They give pollinators a choice of pollen sources all season.

Tip #7: Pre-Soak Seeds for Successful Germination

Pre-soak your seeds overnight in warm water before planting them. This can speed germination and improve seedling growth. It leads to faster and sturdier plants.

Additional Tip: Also, be cautious when pre-soaking seeds. Avoid long soaking to prevent waterlogging and potential seed damage.

Tip #8: Natural Pest Control Methods

Keep your garden pest-free. Use natural pest control to achieve this. It does so without using any hazardous chemicals. This promotes beneficial insects like ground beetles and ladybirds. Plant herbs that repel pests as well, such as basil and sage. You can maintain a healthy balance in your garden by doing these steps.

Additional Tip: Use suitable planting to deter pests and attract good bugs. It creates a harmonious garden.

Tip #9: Regular Deadheading for Healthy Blooms

Deadhead spent blooms. Doing so will promote continuous flowering and lengthen the plants’ lives. Removing faded flowers redirects the plant’s energy. This leads to new growth, abundant blooms, and vibrant colors all season.

Additional Tip: Remove dead flowers promptly. This prevents seeds and encourages more flowers. This practice will ensure your garden stays beautiful for a long time.

Tip #10: Save Seeds and Bulbs for Future Planting

Use the power of nature’s cycle. Save your garden’s seeds and bulbs. You can keep growing your favorite types year after year. Do this by gathering and saving seeds. It guarantees a consistent flow of well-liked flowers and veggies.

Additional Tip: Label and store seeds and bulbs in a cool and dry place. This keeps them fresh and able to grow in future seasons.

Tip #11: Companion Planting for Optimal Growth

Use space well and promote plant health. Do this by pairing compatible species in your garden beds. Planting lettuce with tomatoes has mutual benefits. Lettuce provides shade and moisture control for tomatoes. Tomatoes deter pests that may harm lettuce.

Additional Tip: Research companion planting combinations. They reveal plant relationships. These boost growth, yield, and pest resistance in your garden.

Tip 12: Harness Rainwater for Irrigation

Create environmentally friendly gardening techniques by gathering and using rainwater for irrigation. You can collect rainwater by installing rain barrels or water butts. It offers your garden a free and beneficial source of water.

Additional Tip: Supply your garden with rainwater, during dry spells. This minimises water waste and reduces the need for city water.

Tip #13: Maintain and Care for Garden Tools

Take care of your gardening tools to make them last longer and work better. Cleaning, sharpening, and storing your tools prevents rust, corrosion, and wear. This keeps them effective and efficient for all your gardening tasks.

Additional Tip: Invest in good tools and ergonomic accessories. They will make long gardening sessions more comfortable and productive.

Tip #14: Prune for Healthy Growth

Prune your garden regularly. This fosters healthy plant growth. Cutting back overgrown stems and branches helps new growth. It also improves air flow and the look of your plants.

Additional Tip: Research the right way to prune for each plant species. This helps you avoid over-pruning or harming sensitive plants.

Tip #15: Optimise Watering Techniques

Test the moisture content of the soil or use a moisture meter. Employ them to decide how much and when to water your plants. This will guarantee that they get adequate water without going over or under.

Additional Tip: Use a moisture meter or do a soil moisture test. Use them to determine when and how much to water your plants. This will ensure they get enough water without over- or underwatering.

Tip #16: Harness the Benefits of Fallen Leaves

Use fallen leaves as a valuable resource in your garden. Shred leaves can go into compost piles. Leaves can enrich soil, prevent weeds and insulate plants in winter.

Additional Tip: Consider using a leaf shredder or mulching mower. They break down leaves better and speed up decomposition.

Tip #17: Avoid Digging Wet Soil

Don’t dig or till wet soil. Doing so compacts it and harms its structure. Wait until the soil is dry and crumbly before doing garden activities. This will minimise damage to soil texture and help root growth.

Additional Tip: Use raised beds or containers in wet or poorly drained areas. They create the best conditions for plants to grow. They also reduce the risk of soil compaction.

Tip 18: Prioritise Plant Drainage

Ensure good drainage in planting beds and containers. This prevents waterlogging and root rot in your plants. You need to add organic matter. You should also install drainage systems. And you need to pick well-draining potting mixes. These changes are key to keeping roots healthy and plants thriving.

Additional Tip: Check soil moisture levels often. Adjust watering as needed. Do this to keep soil drainage optimal and prevent water-related plant stress.

Tip #19: Introduce a Water Feature

Add a water feature to your garden. It will enhance the beauty and calm sense of your outdoor space. They also attract useful wildlife and provide homes for aquatic plants and animals.

Additional tip: Also, pick a water feature that fits your garden. It could be a bubbling fountain, pond, or cascading waterfall.

Tip #20: Lawn Care Essentials

Keep a lush and healthy lawn. Proper mowing, watering, fertilising, and aerating techniques promote dense turf growth. They also help suppress weeds and improve turf health.

Additional Tip: Adjust your lawn care routine by season. This will let you adapt to changing weather and turf growth patterns. It will ensure your lawn stays beautiful and resilient all year.


Use the above-mentioned expert tips and hacks in your gardening. They can be useful to turn your garden into a thriving oasis. You may be growing a vegetable patch, tending to flower beds, or nurturing a lush lawn. These strategies will help you succeed at gardening. They will also help you enjoy the fruits of your labour in every season. If you still need some help in the garden, we highly recommend you hire professional gardening services. The experts will support you throughout any gardening task that you don’t have time or experience to do on your own.